Increase income when becoming an Amazon affiliate marketer

in 2 years
25 Nov 2022

Amazon Affiliate program, also known as Amazon Associates, is a way of making money from your website or blog. You must signup, wait for approval, and place Amazon links on your website. You’ll receive a commission when someone purchases on Amazon through one of the links you share.

You’re at the right place if you need help figuring out where to start. Whether you are planning a large or small business, you will find these guidelines.

What is the Amazon affiliate?

Amazon affiliate program or Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program. Bloggers or website owners can ultimately become Amazon contributors at no cost. They create links to advertise products from on their web. When customers click that link and buy the product, they earn a referral fee.

Find out what affiliate marketing is if you have yet to learn.

How does Amazon’s affiliate program work?

In the Amazon affiliate program, associates earn commissions by creating unique product links from Then advertise those links on their website or social network and their relationship to drive referral traffic back to Amazon to generate sales.

How affiliates work as follows:

  • Create an Amazon affiliate account on the platform.
  • Get a unique affiliate ID provided by Amazon.
  • Once the application is approved, the collaborator can start creating the link in his Amazon portal.
  • Place links in blog posts or anywhere on the web.
  • The associate earns a commission when a customer clicks the link and makes a purchase.

How much can you earn from the Amazon affiliate marketing program?

On average, you can earn between $100 and $20,000 from Amazon’s Affiliate program, depending on how many referrals you generate to Amazon. Amazon affiliate works on commission, meaning you will earn a percentage on every sale.

Commission rates vary depending on the type of product. For example, if you own an auto blog, you can earn 4.50% from each sale. If you sell three car parts for $1,000 each in one day, you’ll make $135 from those three transactions. If you sell the same product 30 times per month, you will earn $1,350.

The commission numbers can be low at the beginning of your journey to becoming an Amazon Associate. So make sure there is another source of income before you generate a steady commission from Amazon affiliates.

Before signing up on the platform, reviewing the commission rate for each Amazon product category is essential. That way, you can calculate how much you can earn depending on the niche your website is targeting.

Requirements and rules for joining the Amazon program

Becoming an Amazon Affiliate is a great way to monetize your passion or earn extra income from your brand. However, Amazon has requirements for associates, so it’s best to be sure of those before you start. First, you must have a website filled with original content easily accessible to the general public.

In addition to other requirements, failure to comply may result in a program ban. Here are some of the essential rules to keep in mind:

  • You must demonstrate on your website or in your communications that you may be eligible to monetize your recommendations.
  • It would help if you did not make false or deceptive statements in your recommendations.
  • Your website must not contain inappropriate content.
  • Avoid mentioning prices (with some exceptions) because prices change frequently.
  • Do not use Amazon affiliate links in offline promotions, eBooks, or emails.
  • Do not use a link shortener for affiliate links.

Once you’ve applied, you’ll also need to be mindful of the requirements for the application review process. Amazon asks new marketers to generate three orders in their first 180 days. The team also needed to review websites, mobile apps, and social media accounts, looking for consistent, fresh content that delivers value to Amazon’s customers.

You can read Amazon’s full policy here. You should also review the operating agreement for associates for other requirements.

* Note: Amazon’s affiliate program is one of the most popular. As of 2021, it is the leading affiliate marketing network in the world, with over 900,000 affiliates. But it’s not the only one. Other affiliate programs are worth trying if you don’t qualify as an Amazon Affiliate.

How to become an Amazon affiliate marketer?

  • Create a website or blog.
  • Navigate to the Amazon Associates homepage and click “Sign Up.”
  • Enter your account information.
  • Enter your website address.
  • Enter your favorite store ID.
  • Explain how you drive traffic to your website.
  • Choose your payment method.
  • Create an Amazon Affiliate link.

See more: Details on how to make money with the Amazon affiliate program (updating)!

hidemium25 Nov 2022in 2 years

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