What is WebRTC? Do sites collect WebRTC fingerprints?

in a year
12 May 2023

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC is a technology used to transmit real-time audio and video on web browsers. This means that it allows users to make online video and audio calls without the need for external software or applications.

WebRTC is supported on most popular web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

Do sites collect WebRTC fingerprints?

While WebRTC brings many conveniences to users, it can also be used to collect information about users that they are not aware of. Websites can use this technology to obtain information about the user’s IP address, browser type and operating system, screen size, network speed, etc. to determine the user’s “fingerprint” on the web.

Collecting this information can lead to invasion of users’ privacy and an imbalance of power between users and information-gathering companies.

Hidemium limits all risks of browser fingerprinting

However, there are solutions to minimize the risks. Antidetect software such as Hidemium allows users to hide information such as their IP address and geographical location, preventing information collection and fingerprinting from the browser.

  • Altered: WebRTC plugin will be turned on and will falsely leak your actual external IP as a Public IP address. A valid Local IP will also be falsely leaked instead of your actual local IP address.
  • Disabled: A WebRTC plugin will be turned off completely. Websites will see that you turned it off.
  • Real: WebRTC plugin will be turned on and will leak your real IP. This mode is only recommended if you don’t use proxies in your connection.

In summary, WebRTC is a useful technology for transmitting online audio and video on web browsers, but it can also be used to collect information about users. Protecting users’ privacy needs to be emphasized by using solutions such as Hidemium and VPNs.

hidemium12 May 2023in a year

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