Free Proxy Server List
Your trusted source for the best free proxy servers.We provide a detailed, regularly updated list of secure and reliable proxies of different types, all available for free to suit your needs.
Use Free Proxies with Hidemium Browser
🎉 Easily switch between proxy types in our browser to stay anonymous and secure!Download our free proxy list in:
No | Address | Copy | Country | Ping | Protocols | Anonymity level |
Not sure how to use a proxy?
Our collection includes a variety of proxy types to meet your specific needs, all available for free. You can easily download our free proxy list in TXT, CSV, or JSON formats for convenient offline access
Explore our free online proxy options to enhance your browsing privacy and bypass geo-restrictions effortlessly. Stay anonymous and protect your personal information with our top-quality proxy servers. Join thousands of users who trust our service to find the best free proxies available.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a free proxy server?
A free proxy server works as a middleman between your device and the internet, letting you browser anonymously and access blocked content at no cost.
How do I use a free proxy server list?
To use a free proxy server list, pick a proxy from the list, set up your browser or app with its IP address and port, and browse the internet as normal.
Are free proxy servers safe to use?
Many free proxy servers are safe, but some could risk your privacy or security. Always use proxies from trusted sources and avoid sharing sensitive information while using them.
Can I download a free proxy list in TXT format?
Yes, you can download our free proxy list in TXT format for offline use. This makes it easy to add proxies to different apps or software.
What are the benefits of using a free online proxy?
A free online proxy helps you stay anonymous, bypass geo-restrictions, and safeguard your personal data from online threats.
How often is the free proxy server list updated?
We regularly update our free proxy server list to provide you with the most reliable and up-to-date proxy servers.